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21st August 12pm EST-4Pm EST Decorators & Fashion Designers Show
at Astrea Yacht - 4pm EST After Swow Party at Santorino Isle.
21st August 12pm EST-4Pm EST Decorators & Fashion Designers Show
at Astrea Yacht - 4pm EST After Swow Party at Santorino Isle.
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Big thanks to all who participated in yesterday's event
In total 148 members visited and averaged just under 2 sessions per member throughout the event, we experienced a few hickups along the way but nothing we could not handle and gained valuable experience in hosting an event this size.
It was disappointing to learn that some exhibitors did not fully engage with the event on the day and instead vented against those who had worked hard to represent Bella and Noir in an impeccable manner
A perfect opportunity was presented to anyone who wished to be a part of the event at no cost, SUN Entertainment and BELLA covered the cost of the event, if they failed to do so they only had themselves to blame.
Candy worked constantly with myself to present the event, Simoni, gave free will and placed enormous trust in those who helped and supported all of us.
So to those who felt it was necessary to complain and leave Bella because of your own failures, good luck and good riddence.
Hope to see you all at the grand opening of Club Revolution on September 1st @ 4pm Eastern.